Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Safety Tips for Kids Who are Home Alone

In most households, both parents are working 40 hours a week. With this comes the probability that kids are left home alone after school for some time. This is OK and it is more common than one might think. Most of us parents teach our kids about talking to strangers, screaming real loud if someone tries to kidnap them, how to call 911, etc. But sometimes we forget to teach them how to protect themselves while they're in the house, alone. Here are some tips and ideas to help them stay safe while they wait for their parents to get home from work.

1. If you have an alarm system, give them a code they will remember and teach them how to use it.

2. Keep a list of important numbers by the phone, including 911, trusted neighbors, etc.

3. Keep a step stool near the front door so they can look through the peephole if there's a knock

4. Keep lights on in multiple rooms at all times, even during the day

5. Always keep the garage door shut

6. Have a list of neighbors they can call or go to if there's an emergency.

7. Try not too spend time in front of open windows where intruders can see them.

8. Never leave doors or windows open or cracked

9. Always contact a safe person (mom,dad,neighbor) to announce they've arrived home safely

10. Never tell anyone they're home alone on a regular basis, this can alert sexual predators, home invaders and other criminals.


  1. It is very common that in such cases the kids might be the victims of sexual criminal or thieves. And there are many ways to get protected your children even after your presences at the home. But best of all is not to disclose about it. I have learnt some nice tips during my SIA security courses.

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